SIL2021 | the 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology, August 22 to 27, 2021, Virtual Meeting
Welcome Massage
We welcome the opportunity to host the 35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology. Initially the SIL2020 Congress was originally scheduled to be held in Gwangju, but due to COVID-19, it is necessary to hold the congress virtually. The date has been postponed for a year, and thus the congress was renamed as the SIL2021. Because the revised meeting will be virtual, the schedule with the scientific program is changed. With the live opening ceremony, the SIL2021 will begin from 22nd to 27th August, 2021. The congress is in the virtual realm, concentrating on cooperation in an electronic environment.
Following the needs of the society to ensure a healthy aquatic ecosystem and their relationships with humans, the theme of the congress is “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions: Healthy Rivers, Lakes, and Humans.” Another important purpose of the congress is to promote open discussions on new scholarly findings and pioneer research in the field of limnology to foster knowledge transfer to scientists and researchers worldwide. Although the COVID-19 hinders us from face-to-face communication, nothing can stop the passion for the challenges for limnologists. To hold this meeting safely and actively, SIL and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) are dedicated to provide a format that best serves SIL and a comfortable forum for academic exchange and networking among the SIL members.
In the challenging situation, SIL and the LOC will embrace a program that includes speakers from various geographical backgrounds as well as balanced gender representation. In addition, the planned diverse program for students and early career limnologists to broaden their academic perspectives will be opened. Thus, please sustain your interest in the oncoming SIL 2021. We appreciate generous supports from the Ministry of Environment, Gwangju Metropolitan City, and K-water. We hope to see you in health and safe at SIL2021!
LEE Hakyoung Co-chair of Organizing Committee of SIL2021
JOO Gea-Jae Co-chair of Organizing Committee of SIL2021
Important Dates
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